
Construction of the Storyboard (Josh)

We made story board so that when we were out of set filming the music video we had something to look back at and were able to make the video as good as possible due the amount of planning.

We used one post-it notes for each different shot that we would take. The meant that we would easily be able to visualise what we would need to do at each different stage of the filming. Using Post-it notes meant that if we decided to change the order it which we were to have the scenes then we would be able to move them much easier than if we used storyboard paper like we did in year 12.

We took great care when drawing the scenes on the post-it notes so that when we changed the storyboard into an animatic to show to the actors they would have an even better idea as to what we wanted them to do as oppose to if the drawings lacked detail and we just spoke the instructions to them.

All of the drawings were originally done in pencil and then colour and outlining with a black pen was added after. This was so that if we made any mistakes with the drawings we could amend them much easier than we would be able to if we drew them in pen straight away. The pen made the drawings easier to see on the animatic as they were bold and colourful.

The storyboard to a number of weeks to perfect and we both feel that this was time well spent as without a brilliant storyboard it is impossible for anyone to create a brilliant end product. Here Jonny and myself are discussing the order in which we want the post-it notes to be. There were a lot of scenes that we weren't sure of the order and once we had put them in different orders on the animatic we were able to decide upon the perfect order for all of the scenes in order for us to make what we hope will be a really good music video.

Here we are comparing our original planning notes to the storyboard that we are in the process of creating. We wanted to make sure that we gave our self some guidance to how we would make the storyboard so that we didn't begin to come up with stupid ideas that seemed good at the time but once it came to filming them were impossible to actually pull of


  1. Storyboard is really helpful in filming a movie I have tried it in our movie project in our class and it really did help me and my classmates.



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