
Record company name/profile logo (Jonny)

Record Company Names
These are our initial designs for our Record Company name. I have designed them by hand and scanned them on to the computer. I have used the same name as this has already been decided however made variations to the font. Once we decide which font to use we will incorporate this in to our chosen logo.
I have used a block grey colour for this design edged with a black line. The font is elegant as if it was hand written. I feel that this font represents our Record company as stylish and modern which would reflect our first record signing of the village musicians.  

I designed this font in thick block lettering and filled it in red again with a black outline. This font is bold and would stand out in a crowd. This font represents fun and youthfulness which again would coincide with our first signing of the village musicians. 

Designing this font I was inspired by our Blog Title and Text font which is an ice blue in an electrocution font. This design represents quirkiness and originality as well as excitement from the vivid colour. This would relate with the village musicians as they present themselves as a quirky/ indie band.

Record Company Logos
These are our initial designs for our record company logos. We decided that we wanted something that was unusual (so to stand out) but which had some relation to music. We designed these logos with the intention of placing the record company name either above/ below or on top of the company logo. 

My first design was an image with a straight forward representation to who we were. As a record company, what better logo to have then an old fashioned RECORD! I redesigned the image to add a bit of colour to allow the logo to stand out from the crowd. With this design I would put the name of the record company along the outside of the record.  

My second design was inspired by images of the the ancient Greek temples. Although this does not relate to music as much as bongos or a record does, I believe that it would help establish our brand by having an unusual image. After all when Virgin Records began in the 1970's their first logo was very obscure and did not directly relate to music, yet the record company became very popular! For this design I would place the record company name on the top and bottom of the logo.
My final design was based around a set of bongos I had on the windowsill of my room. Although this is a very simple image I felt that it could clearly represent a record company through the relation as a musical instrument. Also bongos are an unusual instrument to use to represent a record company and so has a novelty which may help people remember the brand.  

Final Design
This is our final record company logo. It incorporates our initial ideas for both the name and the logo. We chose my second initial design for the record company name. We chose this design as we felt that it was eye catching and stood out from the other designs. The colour red signifys creativity and passion which we feel is important in an industry where passion for the product (music) is vital for success. The logo design came from my first initial design of a record, this is an iconic image modernised with my choice to add a splash of red to the logo. We also felt that the record name fitted really well inside the logo, making it aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I created the final design on a simple picture editing software as I felt it made the logo look much more profesional. As the logo is now saved as an image we can place it on websites, future albums and promotional material. The logo gives our record company an identity and allows us to be one step closer to forming a powerful brand that we hope one day can become known internationally!


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