
Audience Feedback From 1st Draft Of Music Video (JONNY)

Josh and I received feedback for our music video today as part of a peer assessment in our class. Although our music video had not been completed, we were able to show our development and then collate some feedback in order to improve the video. A lot of the feedback focused on items which we were already aware needed improving, however certain suggestions did help us with methods of improvement. We have decided to work on 3 different improvements that were brought up repeatedly in the peer assessment.

Improvement 1- Lip Synching
The majority of video currently is 2 seconds in front of the song. This makes any singing in the video look very silly! It would be easy to fix this problem, if the whole of the video was 2 seconds in front. However as it is only part of the video we will have to find a way of only shifting that part, whilst keeping the rest in the same location. I feel that this will be the hardest challenge and will be difficult to fix.  

Improvement 2- Dream Sequence
A lot of feedback talked about how the audience were unaware that one of our sequences was intended to be a dream. I have started attempts at improving this by finding a fce tutorial explaining how to make a filtered dream sequence (View Here). I hope to have this fixed by the end of the week.

Improvement 3- Dream Bubble
This should be the easiest problem to fix, but I am having a real problem with it! We have a dream bubble in front of a white background. The original colour of the dream bubble is white, but in the video it turns purple. This was also noted in the feedback as it makes the quality of the video very poor. I am not sure why this has happened and have tried to change this. I think I will need to conduct some research to establish what the problem is and how I can go about fixing it.


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