
Construction of Stop Motion (JOSH)

Our music video has stop motion at the begining of it as this was the best and most creative way that we could think of to introduce who the band were and the name of the song which we felt was important with them being unsigned. This was also a requirement that the band wanted us to include when we asked for permission to use the song in the creating of a music video.

We did a trial run using only the classroom lights and took the photos without a tripod. Doing this meant that we realised that we needed to use proper lights as well as a tirpod to get the effect that we wanted and to ensure that it was of the best quality possible.

From the outset we knew that this was a process that would take a long time in order for us to get the effect that we intended the stop motion to create. In total we estimate that we took around about 400 photos over the course of 3 hours. It was a process that was well worth the time as the end product does look superb.

In order to make sure that all of the photos were in the same light conditions we used the lights that you can see in the picture. This was very successful as it meant that all of the images were taken in the same light and thus meaning that there weren't continuity errors.

We used a large white board and put it on the floor so that it was flat and we could make sure that it was in the same position for every photo that we took. The reason that we chose a whiteboard was because it meant that we could rub bits of the image out and change the position of it to create the impression that the image was moving.


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