
Jonny Cash: Hurt (Josh)

The song was originally by Nine inch nails their version was more of a rock song whereas Jonny Cash has changed it into an acoustic/folk song which means that its easier, with the slower pace for him to produce a video that looks fantastic and all of the images that are on display fit in with the lyrics of the song. This would have been harder had he made it a fast paced cover.
The first reference to his personal life is early on in the video where we see an image of a sign for this museum. Written on the sign are the words, closed to the public, the timing of this image highlight how badly this affected him as he is singing about hurt and pain as this image appears which converys that he really did have a strong passion for the museum and was geuinly deeply saddened by it having to be closed due to him going bankrupt.
The main focus of the whole video is Jonny Cash in a reflective mood about the mistake that he has made in life. There are references to his time in prison which due to the timing of it is clear that he has regret of. The reason for why he was in prison was due to his addictions to perscription drugs although he was never actually sentenced to any jail time. There is talk of how he remembers everything when an image of a younger happier him appears on the screen.
The what have I become lyric is accompined by an image of him performing the song. This shows the audience a literal interpretation of this and what he now looks like. This could however be interpretted as him showing regret for the wasted part of his life and how he wishes that he hadn't of made some of the mistakes that he did. This is followed by an image of him on stage perfroming to thousands of fans. This is accomponied by the lyric "you could have it all" which shows that he knows the mistakes that he made and that it was his fault for why he went bankrupt and for some of the other issuse that he had.
There are many images of his late wife when the lyrics talk of happiness and a sweetest friend. This conveys that the best and happiest part of his life was the time that he and his wife had together during their many happy years of marriage

To conclude the whole video takes the role of a narrative of him reflecting on his life and all of the regrets that he had.




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