
Music Video Survey Responses (JONNY)

Our Survey was created on and was shared via social media (facebook and twitter) among our friends. We had 25 responses with a variance in information. We have broken this info down and have represented it via graphical form. The responses are as follows….

Q1. How old are you?
We used this question to determine how many of the participants were in our target market 13-21. 83% of respondents were in our target market, the most popular age being 17- 19, this was probably due to the fact that the majority of our friends are this age. Although we took in to account all responses, we paid particular attention to those that were in our target market.

Q2. What is your gender?
This question helped us compare the differentiation between the demands of the male and female market. Our target market is aimed at both, but we are aware that they may have contrasting opinions or demands for a music video. We had a good response from both male and female which was important! We had a larger male response, once again most probably down to a larger percentage of male friends on our social networks.  

Q3.In an average month how many music videos are you likely to watch?
This question began our analysis of our target audience’s perception of music video. In this question we hoped to measure the importance of music video in a person’s life. This was one of the hardest questions to analyse as we had such a mix of answers. Something that the chart does not show is that the majority of those that stated they watched a lot of music videos were in the younger demographic. We have interoperated this by considering that watching music videos is a past time such as, playing computer games and surfing the web. The older people get, the less time they have to spend on these activities.

Q4.Where are you most likely to watch a music video?
From our previous research, we were aware that there were many places where people can consume music videos. We wanted to look at what was most popular. Are questionnaire showed us that over 50% watch videos online on websites such as YouTube. Following closely behind were music channels such as MTV with just over 30% stating that they would prefer to watch them on there.

Q5.  When do you watch music videos?
Again this question helped us tap in to the market for music videos, letting us understand popular times in the day where people would watch them. The overwhelming majority of participants stated that they would watch music videos at home after school (possibly as a past time). There was also a small majority that stated that they watched music videos at the gym. Music videos are often consumed in a gym as channels such as MTV are frequently played.

Q6.  What do you expect from a music video?
This question started to look at our target markets expectations from a music video. Again opinions were very varied and were difficult to analyse. What we have concluded is that it is important to include a variety of music video genres to our video in order to gain a larger section of the market.

Q7. What are your views on boy bands in general?
This question poked fun at the variance of opinions on boy bands but was also used to help us analyse how easy it would be to promote ‘The Village Musicians’ if we chose their song for our music video. The majority of our respondents did not mind boy bands in different variances.

Q8. What genre of music video do you like?
This question linked with that of 6, allowed us to identify what style of music video would best suit our target audience. The two strong favourites were performance and narrative, we are likely to include both of these in our music video!    

Using Survey Monkey

This was the first time that I used survey monkey. Similar to other programs it required us to set up a free account which was reasonably simple. What was very impressive were the many formats of questionnaire that you could create on the program (open questions, closed questions etc..). The program also suggested better ways of expressing the question. Once we created the questionaire, it provided us with a link that we could share in order to have people answer our questions.  
Once we had enough respondents, the website allowed us to analyse the information. It gave us the option to see our results in graphical forms if we upgraded but we decided against this and instead created the graphs ourselves on excel. Overall I feel that this program is one of the best I have used in terms of practicality and the sheer number of things it was capable of doing. This is a tool that may be useful in the future, either at university or in a future job.


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