
Contacting the band asking for permission (JOSH)

We decided to contact the band as a matter of courtesy as we didn't want to break any copyright laws. We felt that the artists would probably like to know that there is someone is creating a copy of their song through video as they could like some of our ideas and use them for a future video that they may make for the song.

Below is a copy of the message we sent:

We are a group of students from England. We have a school project to make a music video for a song from a band. We have been fans of your music for a long time and would like to share your music with the rest of our class. We would just like to ask if it is ok for us to use your song "all this time". We have got some very exciting ideas for the video. We look forward to hearing from you.


Josh Mugridge and Jonny Murray

And here is their response:

Hi Joshua - We really appreciate your asking permission. In this day and age it is a rare thing being respected in this way. We would be fine having you use the song with a couple requests: 

1. credit given to Village in or at end of video and on any print materials
2. We are Christians and would appreciate it if the video stayed "clean" in content. IE: no nudity, ludity etc...
3. A copy of the video sent to us upon completion.

Thanks for listening and we wish you well!
Cate Wilkinson (for Landon who is in India at the moment)

The response meant that we got the go ahead to complete the videos that we already have some exciting ideas for.


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