
The Brief (Josh)

At the start of the year we were told that we were to produce a music video. This seemed very simple but there were two key rules which we had to adhere to; one the artist had to be unsigned and two we weren't allowed to take ideas from existing videos. We were shown the six different genre of music video; Performance, Image, Narrrative, Spectacle, Promotional and Personal. We decided that due to the fact that we have very little experience at creating music videos there wasn't really are need for us to make a personal music video as neither of us had any particular thing that we really wanted to do. With regards to creating a spectacular music video we established early on that this would be very difficult due to the lack of finance and technology we have avaliable to us in order to execute this perfectly. So we decided that we would be doing a hybrid video that overlapped; narrative, image, promotional and performance. The reason that we decided this was because the aim of any music video is to promote an artist so by showing lots of performance and close-ups the reputation of the band would be enhanced massively.


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