
Josh Running Green Screen

This was our first attempt at producing a green screen clip and as you can see it wasn't quite perfect! The edges are very blurred with a purple tint and with green parts coming off the sides. I feel that the main reason for this was that we tried to film a very complicated clip with lots of movement which we were not experienced enough to edit effectively. If we were to do this again I think I would film a still image to make it easier. Although the final outcome was not perfect, I feel that we are now able to produce a green screen clip having learnt all of the necessary steps needed. The filming on the screen itself was easy and the image is now much clearer as we have industry standard lights.  The software on final cut was very simple to use once you get the hang of it and CAN be effective in eliminating the green background. Hopefully as we continue to practice our clips we will get better at the green screen!  


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