
Market Research Album Adverts (JONNY)

Ellie Goulding
Wretch 32
Kings Of Leon
‘Take me home’
Images -Presentation of artist/ band
There is a clear image of the artist ‘Ellie Goulding’ which takes up a good ¾ of the page. The image has been photoshoped with lights in her hair to relate to the album name. The emphasis has been on selling the artist more than the album.  
The advert contains a full shot of the artist (Wretch 32). The surrounding/ Mise En Scene relates to the artists origins. The image is creative with contrasts of white and black which enable it to represent the genre without being too dark and boring.
I believe that ‘Kings of Leon’ are closest to our band out of these examples. There is an unusual image comprising of split screens with the four band members and an eagle, creating a strange creature covering a third of the page. The name of the band is at the top which is very clear with the use of white on black.
Clarity of Album being advertised
The album name is very small compared to the image of the artist. However it has been place prominently in the middle of the ad in front of a black background. It is very clear to read from a distance.
The name of the album is clearly displayed in the middle of the advert along with the release date. This is all very clear using a white text on a black background. There are attempts to sell the album by mentioning the ‘featured guest appearances’.
The name of the album is in large font in the bottom sector of the advertisement with the release date below it. This information is very easy to read with the use of vivid colours. There are attempts to sell the album by mentioning that their hit songs are included in the album.
At the bottom of the advert there are reviews from reputable reviewers such as ‘The Times’. Although this helps sell the album, there is no information on where the album can be purchased.
Unlike the other two adverts, this one clearly shows the consumer where the album can be purchased on the right hand side of the ad. The advert also includes the artists myspace account which is effective in gaining more long term fans.
At the bottom of the advert there is information for the bands website and the record labels website. Similar to the first advert, it does not show where the album can be purchased, which I think is important.


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